"If you don’t have time to meditate 10 minutes a day, then for you, 20 minutes a day is where you should start." ~Buddha
Personalised recorded meditations, one on one mentoring and getting started made simple, effective and enjoyable.
My first true moment of meditation discovery, I was on the floor of a highly charged anxious Calibria Club house, I had finished weigh in for an amateur boxing title fight in Victoria. Normally at this point, with 4-7 hours until fight time, I would commence the complete disintegration of self into a hopeless mess of performance anxiety, a body that skipped fight and flight and went deeply into freeze state, overwhelmed and vacant from any intelligence or character, a true definition of a shall of my usual self. This was the normal for my 5 year stint as an amateur boxer. Capable and physically ready, mentally and energetically overwhelmed and hopeless. This often led to much harder fights and losses that should never have been..
On this in particular day, I laid back on the concrete floor, put the head phones in and practiced a guided meditation by Andrew Johnson. (I had downloaded 3 seperate iPhone apps, each app held just 1 singular 20min meditation). I worked through them all, back to back and often with time spent in between in a calm and spacious limbo. Discovering for the first time in my life, that I did have some control over my racing mind, and haywire nervous system. I couldn’t stop thoughts, but I could slow them down, better still, I could narrow in on my chosen point of focus, creating far less space for the usual rapid and ceaseless onslaught of thoughts to consume. I was discovering the power of single pointed focus.
This was the true beginning of a life changing discovery, the lighting of a beautiful flame that has directed, changed and co created my life from that point forward. Meditation a new fascination, that’s dots soon connected to another new fascination, yoga asana. When the sparks finally went off, that these two seemingly random practises that happened to find there way into my life, where in fact, seamlessly connected. You can imagine how that little flame of hope, grew into the raging fire of life that I now hope to share with you.
If I wanted to share my meditation journey from that point forward, this could be a novel. Instead I will summarise and get to what we offer. I have spent, thousands of hours, humming, counting breaths, watching the breath, scanning and moving through my body on multiple frequencies, chanting, focusing, watching a flame, clocking apps and reading hundreds of books and autobiography’s on meditation and yogic practises.
With so much confidence, I can say find meditation and make it apart of your life. But if I could share and impart my wisdom, I would say start smart. Find the right meditation, find the style, and the reason that will offer you the most growth and potential. If you can, practise a unique and specific meditation designed or passed on to you.
Which is exactly what we aim to do, we find out what your goals are, what your habits, strengths and weaknesses are, and we create a unique and specific meditation to fit you.
Some yogis spend a lifetime waiting for there teacher to show up, for now though, don’t wait, meet your teacher halfway and begin your journey intelligently and with the confidence and experience of 10 years of meditation exploration and thousands of hours in study.
Book an appointment today and lets get your practise started now.
What you will land, is a guide on setting up your space, how to sit correctly, and a specifically recorded meditation that speaks directly to you, for you and encased with powerful binaural beats to keep your focus, and calm lasting far longer than ever before.