Breath based Hatha with a touch of flow
Rising Health Yoga is a unique blend of traditional Hatha yoga and the modern vinyasa styles popular and loved by many. With this breath based style, we offer a calm and grounding yoga experience that empowers you to become more self-aware and connected to your body. Our classes deepen your understanding of the wisdom of yoga and guide you on a journey of self-discovery.
Our authentic, breath-based Hatha yoga is influenced by the Krishnamacharya lineage and is structured to ensure that each class includes breath work, meditation, movement, and strength building for the entire body. We believe in the interconnectedness of mental and physical health and aspire to ignite your overall well-being through emotional and physiological conditioning. We don’t just give you poses to struggle through, we give you challenging poses with mental guidance to work within that challenge. Instead of beating the hard task, we arrive within the task and the hardness dissolves. This is Yoga, the union of life, and our classes have priority one, to create a union of our strengths and weakness, likes and dislikes and unlock the abundance of our potential.
Each class is themed to encourage reflection and introspection, while delving into the ancient philosophy of yoga. We are passionate about yoga and are confident that you will develop a deeper appreciation and love for it as well. Join us for a calming and transformative yoga experience.
Become stronger physically and mentally, stable and reliable emotionally, become as light as life itself.